Dr Dorjan Hysi
Dr Dorjan Hysi is the (2019) recipient of 'The Promising Leadership Award' by the Centre of Oral Health.
Dr. Dorjan Hysi is the Chair of the Conservative Dental Department at University of Medicine of Tirana, Faculty of Dental Medicine. Aside from academic work he currently serves as a President of The Albanian Dental Association.Previously he was the director of University Dental Clinic, Tirana, Albania during 2012-2014.
Part of his professional experience was the duty of CDO/Dental Officer of the Ministry of Health of Albania during 2001-2006.
He studied Dental Public Health as a Fulbright Student at University of Texas HSC, Dental Branch at Houston during 2003-2004.
He has actively contributed in several projects and professional documents prepared by the Ministry of Health of Albania. He is involved in several epidemiological research projects and parts of his work have been presented in lectures and scientific presentations at national and international dental events. He is author and co-author in papers published nationally and internationally cited literature and also serves as a peer reviewer for some journals and professional organizations. He is a member of several international professional associations including the EADPH, FDI, and CECDO.