Board member and Programme Coordinator of the ADM Foundation
SDL-10 (2016)
Patricia Juárez
Dr Patricia Juárez was born in Cuernavaca Morelos México on August 24, 1962. She got her dental degree in 1985 by UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México School of Dental Medicine) where she did 2 years later the specialty in Orthodontics & teaches Orthopedics since 2012.
She joined the Mexican Dental Association (ADM) in 2010 and the ADM Foundation board in 2012 where she coordinates the Preschool oral health Program nation wide.
She is a member of the ADM, COM, (Colegio de Medicos del Estado de Morelos) and was awarded the 2013 State of Morelos award for professional excellency.
Co-treasurer for ADM’s Executive Committee 2015/2017.
Dr Juárez practices Orthodontic and Orthopaedics in Cuernavaca Morelos México since 1991.