Richard Law Research Award 2018

Richard Law Research Award 2018 for Postgraduate Dental Students in India

In honour of the late Richard Law, an accountant who tragically died from oral cancer, the Global Child Dental Fund (UK) is offering awards of Rs 50,000 (in total) to postgraduate dental students in India willing to submit a research proposal and take up the Advanced Dental Leadership Training(for detailsof how to apply, please see below).

Three awards will be considered for the successful applicants as below:
First prize: Rs 25000, Second prize: Rs 15000 and Third prize Rs 10000.

How to apply

Students can submit a research proposal (for example, a postgraduate dissertation synopsis) in 1500 words with background rationale, objectives, methods, proposed analysis and references. There can be more than 1 author (including guide/s). Only the first named student will be considered for the award.

Submission to include:

Document 1
Title page (in MS Word, Arial font, size 14, double spacing): Title of the research proposal, name of the author/s, name of the institute, contact address, telephone no. and email ID of the first author).

Document 2
Undertaking (a scanned image or PDF): A letter to the Chairman of Richard Law Award Committee (2018) on the institute letterhead signed by the student and countersigned by the Dean/ Principal of the college stating that the proposal submitted is of research to be undertaken or underway (and not completed or published) with no plagiarism, no conflict of interest and has necessary ethical clearance.

Document 3
Research proposal (in MS Word, Arial Font, Size 12, double spacing) without mentioning the name/s of the author/s.

Document 4
Receipt for signing up for The Advanced Dental Leadership Training (a scanned image or PDF) [*details given below].

All submissions by email only to [email protected]

Date of beginning submissions: July 1, 2018. Final date of submission: October 31, 2018.

Assessment criteria:

The research proposals will be assessed for novelty of the research question, benefits of the proposed research to people, and overall quality of writing including referencing. One author can submit only one essay. All decisions are final and we regret that we are unable to provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

The results will be announced on or before 31st December 2018 at this website (


Advanced Dental Leadership
Certificate Training

Advanced Dental Leadership Certificate Training is offered
online by the Global Child Dental Fund. Registration is £20. However, it will be offered FREE for dentists in India during
July 15, 2018 and August 15, 2018!

To register go to: and follow instructions. The ADL programme is offered by Global Child Dental Fund (GCDfund), based at King's College London and Harvard
School of Dental Medicine.

ADL offers four key benefits:

1. ADL training is internationally accredited by World Federation of Public Health Associations and provides a certificate on completing each of the 4 levels.

2. ADL imparts skills beyond that routinely taught in dental schools.

3. ADL certificate strengthens the CV, which can escalate the chances of making a successful application for further education or jobs. Upon completion of the course students will receive a certificate and be able to use the CADL (Certificate of Advanced Dental Leadership) letters after their professional title.

4. Taking up the ADL is a contribution to the Global Child Dental Fund’s Mission that the most disadvantaged children, from the most deprived communities around the world, have access to dental care and do not suffer from obvious dental decay in their lifetime.

ADL is designed for undergraduates, postgraduates, dental assistants and receptionists – in fact any dental personnel who work with the public.


Richard Law
Richard Law